About me



I am 30’s and living in Japan, around Tokyo.
I started running for weight loss purposes at a time when I was relieving work stress with my appetite, and my first marathon was in 2016. Since then, I have been fascinated by marathons and I have run more than 25 full marathons, aiming to achieve sub2.5 by the age of 40 and sub3 by the age of 70.
I am running every day to achieve my goals while protecting my family, which includes my wife, my dog (a miniature schnauzer), and my daughter (born in 2024).
The name of my blog, “Sustainable Running Life,” expresses my desire to balance running with my family and work, and to continue to enjoy my running lifestyle in a sustainable and enjoyable way without strain.

About this blog


My main goal is to create lifelong running friends all over the world by continuously providing information that will make you think, “I see, I’ve heard good things about this”.

To this end, based on my own experience, I plan to disseminate information mainly on marathons and reviews of running goods. I also plan to share my training, so I would be very grateful for your encouragement.

Target readers

  • Runner
    • Those looking for a marathon to run
    • Those gathering information on marathons they plan to run
    • Those considering the purchase of running goods such as wear and shoes
    • Those running to improve your time
    • Those struggling with their training menu, etc.
  • lover of dogs
    • Those considering the purchase of dog’s goods
    • Those considering the spot where you go with your dog, etc.